Troubleshooting: Brightspace Assignments Reject Submissions


Brightspace’s Assignments may reject files from uploading and submitting. A number of reasons can cause the technical issue. Please, refer to this guide’s resources and strategies to find solutions to rectify the issue.





We recommend trying the solutions below:

  • Double-check if an allowed file extension is requested on the Assignment submission instructions (e.g. pdf, etc). Please, submit the requested file type. If you have questions, contact your instructor.
  • Use Chrome browser.
  • Clear Chrome browser cache/cookies (instructions)
  • Double-check that your assignment files contain no spaces or special characters. Use only letters, numbers, and periods. Example: ThomasAssignment2.pdf not ThomasAssignment@99$_*\:).pdf
  • For multiple files, select all the files in the upload screen.
  • For Mac users - check for Operating System updates (instructions)
  • Wait for all the assignments to fully upload when you submit. There is a green progress bar right after you select and upload files from your computer into the Brightspace Assignment submission screen.








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