Zoom: Recording a Presentation in Zoom


Looking for a way Zoom participants can collaborate in a shared space at the same time? Zoom has a whiteboard feature that supports participants visualizing ideas together! Blank whiteboards can be created during a meeting, or users are able to pre-create whiteboards to open and share later. There are also 18 optional and modifiable templates ranging from designs supporting icebreakers, mapping, graphs, brainstorming, games, and planning. 

Scheduling a meeting

  1. Go to NYU Zoom and Login to Zoom (Via SSO)
  2. In the left-hand menu, select Meetings
  3. On the upper left side of the screen, click the blue button labeled Schedule a New Meeting
  4. The following screen allows you to set the dates and times of your meeting.
    1. Set the topic and description as you see fit
      1. When means when the meeting will take place
      2. Duration means how long the meeting will be 
      3. (NOTE: If your meeting runs over the Duration it will not end the meeting. This is for your own planning purposes)
  5. You can leave everything else at the default settings
  6. Lastly, click the large blue Save button to save the meeting
  7. You can now access the meeting from the Meetings tab
  8. On the next screen, copy the "Join URL: https://nyu.zoom.us/x/xxxxx" link and share this with the participants that you will be presenting with.

Recording a presentation

  1. On the day and time of the meeting, click on that link and it should prompt you to open Zoom in a Pop-Up or something similar. Allow Zoom to Open.
  2. Once the Zoom window opens and your group members are present, decide who will share their screen and control the presentation as the presentation leader. 
  3. Once you have decided, have the leader share their screen.
  4. On the bottom of the Zoom window, click the green Share Screen button.
  5. In the window that appears, I advise you to share Screen 1 as this shares your entire screen.
  6. If you have audio clips or videos to present, check the Share computer sound in the bottom left of this share window before you click the blue Share button in the bottom right of the share window.
  7. Have the leader click the Record button when you're all ready to present
  8. Take turns speaking while the presentation leader advances the slides.
  9. When you're done presenting, click the Stop Recording button. Feel free to end the meeting whenever you're ready.

Accessing and Storing Your Recording

  1. To access your recording, go to NYU Zoom and log in to Zoom.
  2. On the left side menu, click Recordings.
  3. In the next screen, you'll see a list of meetings that you've recorded. On the far right side of the meeting you want to share, click More and then Download.
  4. This will download two files. Upload the file that ends in .mp4 to NYU Stream.
  5. To upload to NYU Stream, follow the link: stream.nyu.edu, and click on Add New in the top right corner of the site. Then, click Media Upload.
  6. Here you can upload the file that ends in .mp4. When the video is done uploading, be sure to check off Unlisted, I agree to the terms and conditions, and then click Save.
  7. When you've done this, click on Go to Media to the right of the Save button. This will open the video you uploaded. It will take approximately twice the length of the video you uploaded for processing to complete.
  8. To share a link to the video, on this page where the video is, you will see a Share button below the video.
  9. Copy the link that is highlighted and share via Email/NYU Brightspace/etc. to the people that need to view the video. They will not be able to Download the video but they can watch the video at this link.

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