Class Coat of Arms
This is a great idea for an in-person class (or online). This can be done as a larger group, or in smaller groups/pairs. If the course is using group-projects, consider having the groups create a “coat of arms” as an ice-breaker activity.
10-15 minutes
- Have teams create your class (or project) coat of arms.
- Each coat of arms should containing the following:
- something that represents a recent achievement (accomplished goal, or career success)
- something that reflects your team/class values
- something that represents where you see the tean/class going in the future (future goals, or even career ambition)
- Post the finished coat of arms on the classroom wall, or in the course site (content page, or even a discussion forum).
- We recommend keeping this activity unstructured. Allow students the time and space to create something that is meaningful to them.
- This can also be a singular activity (not a group activity). Have students present their coat of arms to the entire class, or to small groups.