Special Place


Special Place



Any online meeting (works best if everyone is online and in their home)



1 minutes “pinning on map”

3-5 minutes “whole-group sharing”



Learners will pin one place on a global map using a Google Jamboard or Lucidchart that is special to them. 


Give learners examples of what you mean by “special”, such as:

  • A vacation spot
  • Where you met your partner
  • Where your family is from
  • A random town you discovered ona road trip


Prepare learners by letting them know they’ll share the “location and their reason” with the whole-group. 


Prompt learners to think and pin on the map - they have 1 minute. After 1 minute, call learners to attention and go first to model model expectations. Lastly, asking everyone to volunteer by going one-by-one.



  • Instead of a map, learners just verbally explain their special place and reason. 
  • Instead of a map, learners engage in a “show and tell”. Where images or items from a special place are shared.
  • For large groups, consider using breakout rooms and creating separate map Jamboardz to avoid confusion and saturating the visual.



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