Our Values
Inperson or online classes for small groups sizes or large groups split into small groups.
15 - 20 Minutes
- Give an introduction of the activity and what values are.
- Beliefs that we hold as important to the way be navigate live and work.
- Values determine priorities, influence decisions, and can subconsciously set expectations.
- When the things don’t match or match our values, we can have a reaction.
- Demo and ask each participate to create an individual post-its for their top 3 values for 3 minutes.
- Use ideaboardz
- Here is a list of examples to get participants thinking.
- We take 1 minute to look as a whole group at themes. Ask participants to up vote similar values they also hold, but didn’t post.
- Now challenge participants take a 1 minute to select their top value. Participant’s are also free to change to one of their peer’s values.
- Instruct participants to create either a poem, mural, or combination that represents their value for 5 - 10 minutes.
- Participants can use a piece of paper, Google Doc, or digital whiteboard.
- Note to give participants a 1 minute warning.
- Have each participant share out and give a short explanation for 5 - 10 minutes.
For in-person classrooms, consider either:
- Projecting a collaborative whiteboard from a computer in class. E.g. Miro
- Using large sized sticky post-its and hand writing students’ verbal contributions.
- Participants use
For large classrooms, consider breaking into groups.
- Ask only some small groups to share with the whole group.