When choosing a place to upload a video for your course, it is important to consider what you want to do with the video, who your audience is, and how that audience will access that video. For educational content created for use in your course, we recommend using NYU Stream to host your videos.
Why should I use NYU Stream?
There are many reasons to use NYU Stream for hosting your course content.
- NYU Stream videos added via the rich text editor within NYU Brightspace capture learning analytics, which can be highly valuable in analyzing student performance.
- NYU Stream also hosts our videos with a vendor that we have direct contracts with, so you know that your videos are safe and secure.
- NYU Stream integrates several useful tools (caption ordering, caption editing, Kaltura Capture, Express Capture, In-Video Quizzing) as well as Annoto for annotation.
- NYU Stream protects videos behind NYU's SSO firewall, so access, commenting, and more are done seamlessly with single sign-on.
- YouTube aggressively removes copyrighted material, so you can upload copyrighted material much more safely for educational use. If you link to someone else's material that's hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, it could be deleted at any point by the content owner, which would break the link for future use as well.
Additional Support
For additional support or questions, feel free to email Steinhardt Digital Innovation & Learning at