Digital Innovation & Learning

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Request: Flipped Classrooms


"Flipped classrooms are a form of blended learning which brings an interactive engagement pedagogy to classrooms by having students learn content online, usually at home, and homework is done in class with teachers and students discussing and solving questions. Teacher interaction with students is more personalized guidance instead of lecturing. This is also known as a 'backward classroom design', 'inverted classroom', 'reverse teaching', and the Thayer Method'".

Best Practices

  • Work with an Instructional Designer to build this asynchronous online homework.
  • Ask yourself: Does your subject matter lend itself to flipping? The courses with very hands-on demonstration or role-playing curriculum does best.
  • Videos should be short (7 minutes or less).
  • Allow time for experimentation.
  • Start small (just make small changes and go from there).
  • Prepare students for the transition involved (explain to them what a Flipped Classroom is and what it will mean to them, i.e., how will classroom time change).
  • Build reflective activities for your students to reflect on their learning.


Be aware of the technologies available for flipping your class, but use them mindfully. Begin thinking about your learning objectives, and only use a technology if it will help students satisfy objectives. When in doubt, ask a Digital Innovation and Learning ( team member for guidance!

Typical technologies employed in Flipping:

  • A Learning Management System (LMS), such as NYU Classes, helps to organize course content, providing a place for online discussion, assessing students, and delivering grades.
  • NYU Stream (Kaltura) for lecture recording, lecture sharing, and presentations.
  • YouTube (outside of NYU) for the lecture recording, lecture sharing, and presentations.
  • Student Response System (Poll Everywhere) for gathering feedback from students during Face-to-Face sessions.


Flipped-Learning Toolkit: 3 ways to Take Your Students Deeper
Innovations in Flipping the Language Classroom Theories and Practices by Jeff Mehring & Adrian Leis 

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