Once you’ve enabled the Annoto, you can now start using the comments tools. If you have not yet enabled the tool, refer to this How to Enable Annoto tool to see steps on how to add it.
Viewing the Comment Box
The comment icon on the corner of your video will now display. Click it.
The comments section will appear and you can now begin a discussion or see existing conversations.
Each of the comments has a time tag that is linked to a specific moment in the video; Clicking on the comment time tag will bring you to the relevant moment in the video.
Email notifications allow you to get notified of new comments or replies submitted in your course.
You can dictate your notifications within your Preferences.
Personal Notes allows you to add notes that are visible only to you.
To understand the benefits of using Annoto, refer to Use Annoto to Increase Course Engagement. If you have not yet enabled the Annoto tool, use How to Enable Annoto tool for guidance.
Additional Support
For additional support or questions, feel free to email Steinhardt Digital Innovation & Learning at